Thursday, January 27, 2011

English Chinese Translation of A Famous Ballad--Jasmine Flower

China is a vast country with a long history and diverse nationalities, and therefore there are a great number of widespread ballads and folk songs. Among them, Jasmine Flower stands out for its beautiful and catchy tune. It's so popular that nearly everyone can hum along.
Jasmine Flower has been a hit across the country since ancient times. There may be some variations of the ballad, but the version popular in the lower reach of the south of the Yangtze River is the most typical and widely spread. The melodious, elegant and emotional tune is in praise of jasmine flowers, referring to the pure and true love between a man and a woman in an indirect way. Back in the Qianlong Period of the Qing Dynasty, the lyrics of Jasmine Flower was included in Zhuibaiqiu, an anthology of Chinese operas published at that time. This fully demonstrates its long history.
In 1804, John Barrow, the secretary of the first British ambassador to China, especially featured the score of Jasmine Flower in his work Travels in China. The ballad thus became the first Chinese folk song introduced overseas in the form of a publication. It soon got popular in Europe and South America etc.
In 1924, the world-renowned opera master and Italian composer Puccini finished the draft of opera Turandot shortly before he lost his battle with cancer. Set in the Yuan-Dynasty China, the opera created a beautiful yet obdurate princess named Turandot. Puccini made the tune of Jasmine Flower one of the main music elements of the opera and adapted it into a female chorus, giving a Chinese flavor to the Chinese story completely composed and performed by foreigners. In 1926, the debut of the opera was a great success in Italy. After that, the fragrance of Chinese Jasmine Flower drifted to a wider area along with the popularity of the classical opera.


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Tuesday, January 25, 2011

English Chinese Translation of Oldest Tree

The oldest tree in the world is China's gingko, which first appeared during the Jurassic Age some 160 million years ago.
The Ginkgo is the sole survivor of a primitive order of plants dating from more than 200 million years ago. Now, the trees shoot forth sprouts in spring, and their leaves turn glowing yellow in autumn, decorating many parks or roadsides nationwide.
Surviving about over a million years, the Ginkgo has remained basically unchanged which has been verified by 200-million-year-old fossils. Because of the trees survivability and hardiness, it was believed to increase stamina and longevity and has been called The Fountain of Youth. The wood is hard and corrosion-resistant, a good choice for furnishings.
The earliest known medicinal use dates back to 2800 BC. Gingko today seems to becoming the herb of choice. European researchers have been constantly studying ginkgo since the 1960's. In 1995, gingko was ranked 5th in popularity at U.S. health food stores.


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Monday, January 24, 2011

English Chinese Translation of Biggest Ancient Building Complex

The biggest and most complete ancient building complex is the former Imperial Palace (also known as the Forbidden City) in Beijing. It was imperial palace of both the Ming and Qing dynasties. It was first completed in 1420 and covers an area of 720,000 square meters.
The Forbidden City, now called the Palace Museum, is located in the center of Beijing. Starting in 1420, the Forbidden City was the home to 24 Chinese emperors during the Ming and Qing dynasties (1368-1911). Now, it has developed into the Palace Museum, which displays art treasures of the past dynasties and is the richest treasury of cultures and arts in China. Lofty and magnificent, the Forbidden City is acclaimed as one of the world five great palaces, ranking with Palace of Versailles in France, Buckingham Palace in Britain, White House in the United States and Kremlin in Russia, and was listed by UNESCO as a World Cultural Heritage Site in 1987.
Extending 750 meters east-west and 960 meters north-south, The Forbidden City covers 720,000 square meters, and is the largest palatial complex in the world and the most complete ancient architectural group extant in China. It has 9,999 buildings, and is called the Ocean of Palaces. No matter in terms of plain layout, three-dimensional effect or magnificent appearance, the complex is really an unparalleled masterpiece in the world. A central axis runs through the whole palace and the axis happens to be on the central axis of Beijing City. The Forbidden City is divided into southern and northern parts by the axis: The former served as the emperor's work area and the latter as his living quarters. The main structures are arranged along the central axis, and the buildings on both sides of it are symmetrical.


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Wednesday, January 19, 2011

English Chinese translation of Chinese Traditional Kite Craft

Kites were invented by the Chinese people over 2000 years ago. About in the 12th century, Chinese kite spread to the West and oriental and Western kite culture was formed after years of development. In this process, the traditional culture integrated with the kite craft, and finally formed the kite culture with unique characteristics.
Uses of kite have been changed several times in history. According to historical record, kite was first used in military. In the mid Tang Dynasty (618-907), in which the society was stable and peaceful, the use of kites was gradually changed from military to entertainment. With the innovation of papermaking, the raw material of kite changed from silk to paper. Kite became popular among civilians with a richer variety of forms and reached the peak point in the Song Dynasty (960-1279). Participated by the literary, the making and the decoration of kites underwent great development. Kite making became a profession due to the large demand.
The Ming (1368-1644) and Qing dynasties, was the peak period of the Chinese kite. The kites underwent great development in size, design, decoration and flying skills. Literators at that time made kite by themselves, and sent to relatives and friends as a gift, regarding it a literary pursuit. In recent years, kite flying has publicized as a sports activity as well as entertainment.
To make a kite, first, the right kind of bamboo strips must be selected for the frame. It should be thick and strong for a kite of large dimensions in order to stand the wind pressure. The regular paper or sometime silk is used to cover the frame. Silk kites, especially, are more durable and generally of higher artistic value. Third, painting the kite may be done in each way. Kites could be generally divided into two categories: the Hard Wing and the Soft Wing. The Hard Wing can endure more air pressure and competitively fly higher, whilst the latter can fly farther, although it can not fly as high. In patterns, besides the traditional ones of animals, birds, worms, fishes, new patterns of human images emerged in modern times.
China has a large area of territory. As a traditional culture and folk art, kite has formed unique style of different regions during its development, among which the most famous ones are the styles of Beijing, Tianjin, Weifang in Shangdong Province, Sichuan and Guangdong Province.

历史上,风筝的用途有几次转变。据历史记载,风筝首先是被用在军队。在唐代中期(公元618~907年),社会安定和平,风筝的使用逐渐从军事转到娱乐。随着造纸术的创新,风筝的原材料也由原来的丝绸变成了纸张。风筝的种类和形式越来越丰富,深受百姓们的喜爱,这在宋代(公元960~1279年) 达到了顶点。文学的渗入使风筝的制作和装饰得到了巨大的发展。对风筝的巨大需求使风筝制造成为一种专门的职业。

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Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Chinese Chopsticks

People in different parts of the world eat different kinds of things and eat in different ways.

With Chinese food becoming more popular around the world, chopsticks, a most characteristic eating-tool at the Chinese dining table, are also largely accepted by an increasing number of people.

For Westerners who are used to using fork and knife since their early childhood, learning to use chopsticks may be challenging in the beginning. Great patience and practice are required before one can get the hang of it. Yet it can not be denied that the process is fun.

If you want to enjoy a meal of genuinely Chinese style, spending time and effort on it is certainly worthwhile.

When using chopsticks, one should be place both sticks between the thumb and forefinger, the point is to keep one stick still and move the other so as to make them work like pincers. There is no use using force. As a matter of fact, as long as one uses strength appropriately, one can pick up food effortlessly.

Chinese people manipulate chopsticks quite artistically, and each person has his own way. Generally speaking, an average Chinese can skillfully pick up a peanut, or a slippery mushroom. Many a person is able to pick up a piece of bean curd that crumbles easily.







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English Chinese translation of eight famous Chinese liquors

China has a long history of liquor production, which is even longer than that of tea. There are many famous brands of Chinese liquor, which include Maotai Liquor, Fen Liquor, Five Grain Liquor, Luzhou Liquor, Jiannanchun Liquor, Xifeng Liquor, Gujinggong Liquor and Dong Liquor.

Maotai Liquor
Maotai Liquor is produced in Maotai town, Renhuai county in Guizhou Province. Together with Scotch Whisky and French Cognac Brandy, it is renowned as one of the Three Famous Wines in the world.
The brewage of Maotai Liquor has a long history. Its production can be traced back to the Han Dynasty (206BC–220AD). In the middle of Qing Dynasty (1644-1911), the production had reached a certain scale, with the annual yield of 170 tons, rare at that time. The products were called "Hua Mao", "Wang Mao" and "Lai Mao". "Hua Mao" is the predecessor of today's Maotai Liquor. In 1915 in the Panama World Exposition, the Maotai Liquor (Hua Mao) was rewarded the golden medal, and from then on, it became well known in the world.
Due to the fragrance, purity, sweetness and refreshment, Maotai Liquor is regarded as the national liquor in China.

Fen Liquor
The Fen Liquor is produced in Xinghua Village, Fenyang in Shanxi Province. Enjoying a history of more than 1,500 years, it is the father of Chinese famous liquors. It uses the Yibazhua sorghum produced in Jinzhong Plain in Fenyang and the mellow Gujingjia Spring as ingredients. Through the process of brewing technology, the Fen Liquor is clear, crystal, mildly aromatic and affords a lingering after-taste. Due to its best quality, it is always praised as the excellent liquor and fluid precious stone.

Five Grain Liquor
The Five Grain Liquor, produced in Yibin, Sichuan Province, gets the name from its five ingredients, including sorghum, rice, glutinous rice, corn and wheat. The water is taken from the center of Minjiang River. The wrapped starter (Baobaoqu), produced by pure wheat, is used as the raising agent. When the bottle opens, a strong fragrance scents the air.
五粮液 是中国最著名的白酒之一.是中国驰名商标,享有“名酒之乡”美称的四川省宜宾市,是宜宾五粮酒的故乡。1928年,“利川永”烤酒作坊老板邓子均,又采用红高粱、大米、糯米、麦子、玉米五种粮食为原料,酿造出了香味纯浓的“杂粮酒”,送给当地团练局文书杨惠泉品尝,他认为此酒色、香、味均佳,又是用五种粮食酿造而成,使人闻名领味。从此,这种杂粮酒便以五粮液享于世人,流芳至今。蜚声中外、誉满神州的四川宜宾五粮液酒厂所产的交杯牌、五粮液牌五粮液(由“荔枝绿”——宜宾元曲而来),在中国浓香型酒中独树一帜,为四川省的六朵金花(泸州特曲、郎酒、剑南春、全兴大曲、五粮液、沱牌曲酒)之一。它以“香气悠久,滋味醇厚,进口甘美,入喉净爽,各味谐调,恰到好处”的风格。宜宾五粮液,喷香浓郁,醇厚甘美,回味悠长,以优质糯米、大米、高粱、小麦、玉米五粮为原料酿制而得名。它是宜宾酒厂用“五粮配方,小麦制曲,人工培窖,双轮低温发酵,量质摘酒,按质拼坛,分级储存,精心勾兑”的独特技术和悠久的传统工艺精酿而成,不仅在国内驰名遐迩,而且远销国外。

Luzhou Liquor
Luzhou Liquor is produced in Luzhou, Sichuan Province. In the early Qing Dynasty (1644-1911), Wenyongsheng and Tianchensheng were the two liquor factories that produced Luzhou Liquor. The oldest cellar of Wenyongsheng has a history of more than 370 years.
Luzhou Liquor features strong aroma, sweet, raw and has a long, persistent finish. It has become the model of strong aromatic Chinese spirits.

Jiannanchun Liquor
Jiannanchun Liquor is produced in the Mianzhu county, Sichuan Province. It is one of the famous liquors in China that enjoys a long history. In Tang Dynasty (618-907), "chun (春)" was used to name the wine, hence the name. According to the legend, the great poet Li Bai in Tang Dynasty once used the golden crown in exchange for Jiannanchun, which reflected the excellent quality of the liquor.
Jiannanchun Liquor is made from sorghum, rice, glutinous rice, corn and wheat. It is finely brewed in traditional technique and can be divided into 62 degrees and 52 degrees. Every drop is fragrant, mellow, sweet and cool with a long finish.

Xifeng Liquor
Being one of the oldest liquors in China and in the world, Xifeng Liquor is produced in Liulin town, Fengxiang county, Shaanxi Province. In the late Shang Dynasty (C.1600–1046BC), in order to celebrate the victory of Muye Battle, the King of Zhouwu used Qin Liquor (today's Xifeng Liquor) to reward his soldiers.
Xifeng Liquor represents the Feng-style liquor. Feng-style liquor blends the five flavors: sour, sweet, bitter, spicy and fragrant. The liquor degrees are divided into 39 degrees, 55 degrees and 65 degrees.
西凤酒以当地特产高粱为原料,用大麦、豌豆制曲。工艺采用续渣发酵法,发酵窖分为明窖与暗窖两种。工艺流程分为立窖、破窖、顶窖、圆窖、插窖和挑窖等工序,自有一套操作方法。蒸馏得酒后,再经3年以上的贮存,然后进行精心勾兑方出厂。 西凤酒中的金西凤
西凤酒无色清亮透明,醇香芬芳,清而不淡,浓而不艳,集清香、浓香之优点融于一体,幽雅、诸味谐调,回味舒畅,风格独特。被誉为“酸、甜、苦、辣、香五味俱全而各不出头”。即酸而不涩,苦而不黏,香不刺鼻,辣不呛喉,饮后回甘、味久而弥芳之妙。属凤香型大曲酒,被人们赞为它是“凤型”白酒的典型代表。西凤酒为适应各地不同消费者的需要推出33度、38度、39度、42度、45度、46度、48度、50度、52度、55度、65度等多种度数。   适时饮用,有活血驱寒,提神祛劳之益。

Gujinggong Liquor
Gujinggong Liquor is produced in Bozhou, Anhui Province. "Gujing" means ancient well. There is an ancient well having a history of 1,400 years in the liquor factory. The local water tastes bitter but the spring from this well is quite sweet. The liquor made from the spring of the well has a wonderful flavor. During Wanli's rule in Ming Dynasty (1368-1644), it became a tribute.

Dong Liquor
Dong Liquor is produced in Dong Liquor Factory in Zunyi, Guizhou Province. It gets the name from the Donggong Temple near the factory. Dong Liquor is the most special Chinese liquor in brewing method. It is made from the best glutinous Indian millet and the underground springs from Shuikou Temple. It blends the styles of Daqu Liquor and Xiaoqu Liquor.

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Sunday, January 16, 2011

English Chinese Translation of Chinese Traditional Clothing - Chinese Cheongsam

The cheongsam, or Qipao in Chinese, is evolved from a kind of ancient clothing of Manchu ethnic minority. In ancient times, it generally referred to long gowns worn by the people of Manchuria, Mongolia and the Eight-Banner.
In the early years of the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911), long gowns featured collarless, narrow cuff in the shape of a horse's hoof, buttons down the left front, four slits and a fitting waist. Wearers usually coiled up their cuff, and put it down when hunting or battling to cover the back of hand. In winter, the cuff could serve to prevent cold. The gown had four slits, with one on the left, right, front and back, which reached the knees. It was fitted to the body and rather warm. Fastened with a waistband, the long gown could hold solid food and utensils when people went out hunting. Men's long gowns were mostly blue, gray or green; and women's, white.
Another feature of Manchu cheongsam was that people generally wore it plus a waistcoat that was either with buttons down the front, a twisted front, or a front in the shape of lute, etc.
When the early Manchu rulers came to China proper, they moved their capital to Beijing and cheongsam began to spread in the Central Plains. The Qing Dynasty unified China, and unified the nationwide costume as well. At that time, men wore a long gown and a mandarin jacket over the gown, while women wore cheongsam. Although the 1911 Revolution toppled the rule of the Qing (Manchu) Dynasty, the female dress survived the political change and, with succeeding improvements, has become the traditional dress for Chinese women.
Till the 1930s, Manchu people, no matter male or female, all wore loose-fitting and straight-bottomed broad-sleeved long gowns with a wide front. The lower hem of women's cheongsam reached the calves with embroidered flower patterns on it, while that of men's cheongsam reached the ankles and had no decorative patterns.
From the 1930s, cheongsam almost became the uniform for women. Folk women, students, workers and highest-tone women all dressed themselves in cheongsam, which even became a formal suit for occasions of social intercourses or diplomatic activities. Later, cheongsam even spread to foreign countries and became the favorite of foreign females.
After the 1940s, influenced by new fashion home and abroad, Manchu men's cheongsam was phased out, while women's cheongsam became narrow-sleeved and fitted to the waist and had a relatively loose hip part, and its lower hem reached the ankles. Then there emerge various forms of cheongsams we see today that emphasize color decoration and set off the beauty of the female shape.
Why do Han people like to wear the cheongsam? The main reason is that it fits well the female Chinese figure, has simple lines and looks elegant. What's more, it is suitable for wearing in all seasons by old and young.
The cheongsam can either be long or short, unlined or interlined, woolen or made of silk floss. Besides, with different materials, the cheongsam presents different styles. Cheongsams made of silk with patterns of flowerlet, plain lattices or thin lines demonstrate charm of femininity and staidness; those made of brocade are eye-catching and magnificent and suitable for occasions of greeting guests and attending banquets.
When Chinese cheongsams were exhibited for sales in countries like Japan and France, they received warm welcome from local women, who did not hesitate to buy Chinese cheongsams especially those top-notch ones made of black velour interlined with or carved with golden flowers. Cheongsam features strong national flavor and embodies beauty of Chinese traditional costume. It not only represents Chinese female costume but also becomes a symbol of the oriental traditional costume.

清初(公元1644年-公元1911年)衣袍式样有几大特点:无领、箭袖、左衽、四开衩、束腰。箭袖,是窄袖口,上加一块半圆形袖头,形似马蹄,又称"马蹄袖"。马蹄袖平日绾起,出猎作战时则放下,覆盖手背,冬季可御寒。四开衩,即袍下摆前后左右,开衩至膝.左衽和束腰,紧身保暖,腰带一束,行猎时,可将干粮,用具装进前襟。男子的长袍多是蓝,灰、青色,女子的旗装多为白色. 满族旗袍还有一个特点,就是在旗袍外套上坎肩。坎肩有对襟、捻襟、琵琶襟、一字襟等。穿上坎肩骑马驰聘显得十分精干利索。
自30年代起,旗袍几乎成了中国妇女的标准服装,民间妇女、学生、工人、达官显贵的太太,无不穿着。旗袍甚至成了交际场合和外交活动的礼服。后来,旗袍还传至国外,为他国女子效仿穿着。 至20世纪30年代,满族男女都穿直统式的宽襟大袖长袍。女性旗袍下摆至(骨干)(小腿),有绣花卉纹饰。男性旗袍下摆及踝,无纹饰。
汉族妇女为啥喜爱穿旗袍?主要旗袍的造型与妇女的体态相适合,线条简便,优美大方,所以,有人认为旗袍是中国女人独有的福音,可起到彩云托月的作用。而且,旗袍是老少宜穿,四季相宜,雅俗共赏。 根据季节的变化和穿着者的不同需要、爱好,可长可短,可做单旗袍、夹旗袍;也可做衬绒短袍、丝棉旗袍。并且,随着选料不同,可展现出不同风格。选用小花、素格、细条丝绸制作,可显示出温和、稳重的风韵;选用织锦类衣料制作,可当迎宾、赴宴的华贵眼饰。

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Saturday, January 15, 2011

English chinese translation of Chinese Handicrafts – Jingtailan

The art of Jingtailan (Cloisonné) is a unique combination of sculpture, painting, porcelain making and copper-smithing that is said to have originated in Beijing during the Yuan Dynasty (1271-1368). The oldest extant piece was made during the Yuan Dynasty, but Jingtailan underwent a major change during the Ming Dynasty when at about 1450 to 1456, a new blue pigment was discovered and gave Jingtailan its current name based on the Chinese word lan for blue. Ming Dynasty Jingtailan is also considered to be the most intricate. Nevertheless, Jingtailan reached its peak during the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911) due to great innovations in copper-melting techniques.
At present, Jingtailan is classified into two categories: Jingtailan and Flower-strip Jingtailan, each of which has several sub-varieties respectively.
The making of Jingtailan requires rather elaborate and complicated processes; base-hammering, copper-strip inlay, soldering, enamel-filling, enamel-firing, polishing and gilding. The products are featured by excellent quality. The skill and workmanship have been handed down from the Ming Dynasty. Since the founding of new China, quite a number of new varieties have been created. It enjoys a high reputation both at home and abroad with most of its products for export.
All the products are beautiful and elegant in molding, brilliant and dazzling in colors and splendid and graceful in design. It is a famous local handicraft in Beijing region.
Jingtailan can be found on large objects such as vases and other large utensils and decorative items, as well as small items like earrings, bracelets, chopsticks or jars.


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Thursday, January 13, 2011

English Chinese Translation of Chinese Traditional Clothing - Costume in the Han Dynasty

Costume in the Han Dynasty
China's complete code of costume and trappings was established in the Han Dynasty (206BC-220AD). The yarn-dyeing, embroidering and metal-processing technologies developed rapidly in the period, spurring changes in costume and adornments.
The costume code of the Western Han Dynasty (206BC-8AD) followed the one established in the Qin Dynasty (221-206 BC). In the Eastern Han Dynasty, people in black had to wear purple silk adornments to match their clothes. People usually wore costume with a long hat at grand ceremonies offering sacrifices to gods or ancestors. The dress of the queen in these ceremonies consisted of dark-purple frock and black trousers. The silk dress of the queen consisted of cyan frock and buff trousers.
The Western Han Dynasty implemented the Shenyi (long coat) system, which featured a cicada-shaped hat, red clothes and "田"-shaped collar. In addition, people of that time wore jade articles and red shoes. The frock and skirt were sewn together in the Shenyi system. Underpants for memorial ceremonies were decorated with black brims, and those for court dress in feudal China were decorated with red brims. All the garments were collectively called as Chanyi (unlined garment).
Costumes in the Han Dynasty fell into two categories according to Yijin (one or two pieces making up the front of a Chinese jacket or grown). There were two types of garments: the curving-front unlined garment with buttons deviously down from the collar to the axilla; the straight-front unlined garment with buttons were straightly down from the collar to the lower part. Curving-front garment originated from the Shenyi (long coat) prevalent in the Warring States Period, and was still in use in the Han Dynasty. But few people wore the Shenyi garments during the Eastern Han Dynasty.
There were specific stipulations on colors of court garments in the Han Dynasty. Officers must wear garments according to the five time periods, i.e. cyan garments in the spring, red in the first two months of the summer, yellow in the last month of the summer, white in the autumn and black in the winter.
Costumes of the Han Dynasty had 7 features:
1. Wearers must expose underpants' collar form , as the collar was big and curving;
2. Clothes must use white cloth as lining;
3. The width of sleeve was 0.4 meters;
4. The blouse had no sleeve;
5. Wearers of fur clothes should have the fur facing outside;
6. Waistband was very exquisite. Belt hook was made of gold in various lively and interesting animal figures;
7. The male kept the habitude of wearing walking sabres without blades for decoration only.
Female laborers of the Han Dynasty always wore short jackets and long skirts, and their knees were always decorated with long hanging waistbands. Male laborers often wore jackets and calf-nose trousers with aprons around the garments. Farmers, workers, businessmen and scholars were all in the same dressing style at that time.

汉 服
西汉建立时基本上沿用秦朝的服制。东汉时期穿黑色衣服必配紫色丝织的装饰物。祭祀大典上通用的是“长冠服”。皇后的祭祀服是:上衣用绀色,下裳用皂色。皇后的蚕服,上衣用青色,下裳用缥色(浅黄色)。汉文帝当政时比较俭朴,自己穿黑色丝织衣、皮鞋。一般官员要穿禅衣,又名“祗服”。在西汉时期二百年之中,服饰实行“深衣制”,它的特点是象蝉一样的头冠(帽子)、红色的衣服、象田字状的领子、戴玉 、红色的鞋。深衣形制是上衣下裳相连接缝在一起,做祭服的中衣,要缘黑色边,作为朝服的中衣,需缘红色边,当时男女服用极为普遍。服饰总称“禅衣”。禅衣是单层的外衣。禅衣里面有中衣、深衣,其形与禅衣无大区别,只是袖形有变化,都属于单层布帛衣裳。官员在上朝时都要穿黑色禅衣。
汉衣款式以衣襟分类,可以划分两种:一为“曲裾禅衣”,即开襟是从领曲斜至腋下;一为直裾禅衣,是开襟从领向下垂直,此种禅衣又称“  ”。曲裾,即为战国时期流行的深衣。汉代仍然沿用,到东汉,男子穿深衣的已经不多了,一般为直裾衣,但并不能作为正式礼服。这种服式既长又宽,从款式上官民服用基本没有差别,但从原料和颜色上,却可明显显示等级的不同。
汉代祭服延用“大 制度”,遵从古礼穿冕服佩绶、佩玉。皇帝、公卿、诸侯均用大 ,只是在所系玉石的串珠或丝绳的质地上加以区别。皇太后、太后、公卿夫人等的祭服(谒庙服)、亲蚕服、朝见服和婚礼服的形式都采用深衣制。

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English Chinese Translation of Advertisement 4

Self-development, Self-actualization. (American Spirit)
自由发展,自我实现。 (美国精神)

In Essence of Benevolence,of Nobleness for Harmony. (Chinese Spirit)

To Protect Civilization and Inherit Classics. (British Spirit)

To incorporate and tolerate, oriental and occidental. (Japanese Spirit)

To Change, Conservate, Incorporate, and Harmonize. (World Spirit)

Love makes the world go round. (Dickens)

Accuracy makes brand. (Suzuki)
精准缔造品牌 (铃木)

At the heart of the image (Nikon)
影像 从心 (尼康)

Romance in heart (Borel)
浪漫在心 (瑞士依波路表)

Time your Time.

Everose Gold, Rolex Made. (Rolex)

Let'S Shine.

To spread knowledge is to spread happiness. (A .Nobel)

The heaven of the earth. (USA)

CCTV 9, See Space of Mine. (CCTV9)

Independence in thought, freedom in spirit(University)
独立之思想 ,自由之精神。 (大学)

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Tuesday, January 11, 2011

English Chinese translation of Chinese festivity Laba

Laba is celebrated on the eighth day of the last lunar month, referring to the traditional start of celebrations for the Chinese New Year. "La" in Chinese means the 12th lunar month and "ba" means eight.
腊八在阴历最后一个月庆祝,标志着中国新年庆祝的开始。 “腊” 在汉语中意味着阴历第十二个月,“八”意思是8。
Legends about the origin of this festivity abound. One holds that over 3,000 years ago sacrificial rites called "La" were held in the twelfth lunar month when people offered their preys to the gods of heaven and earth. The Chinese characters for prey and the twelfth month were interchangeable then, and ever since "La" has been used to refer to both.
Since the festival was held on the eighth day of the Last month, people later appended the number eight ("ba" in Chinese), giving us the current Laba .
The majority Han Chinese have long followed the tradition of eating Laba rice porridge on the Laba Festival. The date usually falls in mid-January.

Laba rice porridge contains:
Glutinous rice

Red beans


Chinese sorghum


Dried lotus seeds

Dried dates


In the north, it is a dessert with sugar added; in the south, salt is put in. Some people like to add cinnamon and other condiments to add flavor.

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Sunday, January 9, 2011

English Chinese Translation of Advertisement 3

The Relentless Pursuit of Perfection. (Lexus)

Communication unlimited. (Motorola)

Focus on life. (Olympus)

The new digital era.

A diamond is forever.

Seeing is not believing (Hollywood)

World in hand, Soul in Cyber. (Microsoft)
掌中乾坤,梦之灵魂。 (微软)

All your imaginations can be created. (Dell)

In Search of Excellence. (Buick)

Better than the best.

It`s not enough that we do our best, we have to do what`s required.
人尽其力,力尽其能。 (荣威轿车)

Believe it or not.

The proof of gold is fire; the proof of woman, gold; the proof of man, a woman.
检验黄金者 炉火,检验女人者 黄金,检验男人者 女人。 (富兰克林)

One boy is boy, two boys half a boy, three boys no boy.
一子养老,二子分担,三子无子。 (计划生育)

Give me somewhere to stand, and I'll move the earth. (Archimedes)

In the Company of Masters
尊贵人生 大师随行 (奥迪A8)

Anything is possible.

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Friday, January 7, 2011

English Chinese Translation of Advertisement 2

One world, One dream.

We lead, others copy.

Impossible made possible.

Take time to indulge.

The relentless pursuit of perfection.
不懈追求完美。 (凌志轿车)

Come to where the flavour is. Marlboro country.

To me, the past is black and white, but the future is always color.

Ask for more.

Let's make things better.

Time is what you make of it. (Swatch)

Make yourself heard. (Ericsson)

Engineered to move the human spirit. (Mercedes-Benz)

Fresh-up with Seven-up. (Seven-up)

Connecting People. (Nokia)

For the Road Ahead. (Honda)

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Wednesday, January 5, 2011

English Chinese Translation of Advertisement 1

Good to the last drop.

Obey your thirst.

Poetry in motion, dancing close to me.

Just do it.

Feel the new space.

Intelligence everywhere.

The choice of a new generation.

We integrate, you communicate.

Take TOSHIBA, take the world.

No business too small, no problem too big.
没有不做的小生意,没有解决不了的大问题。 (IBM公司)  

Join Worldenglish, Enjoy Englishworld. (新世界国际英语)

Impossible is nothing (Adidas)

Nothing can come of Nothing. (莎士比亚)

Buy Australia, Buy you a job. (澳大利亚)

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Chinese Ceramic

"Ceramic" is a generic term, "Tao" and "Porcelain" in texture, the physical properties there are very different. China was among the first to create one of the countries of pottery, porcelain was one of the first invention.

The emergence of pottery dating back about 1 million years or so, China has entered the New Stone Age, began to settle in life, water, with objects of daily life, such as the need to promote the invention of pottery. Chinese pottery wider distribution, mainly in the Yangtze River and Yellow River Basin. Yangshao culture which is the New Stone Age culture more representative of the type, characterized by painted pottery, also known as the "painted pottery culture", which derived Banpo and Miao Digou two types of decorative patterns, has high artistic value. Majiayao culture is the culture of the late New Stone Age type than a little late Yangshao culture, since about 5000. Black painted pottery is the second after another great invention, since about 4000 the Longshan Culture period, there has been a unique process of eggshell pottery. In recent years, Shandong, Hebei and more in the vicinity of imitation, there is a high value for collection. Qin and Han Dynasty pottery figurine of China's ancient sculpture of the peak figure, so that the ceramic technology and the arts reached a high position. In addition, three of the color of the Tang Dynasty, the Ming and Qing dynasties such as Yixing, China is an important aspect of pottery relics, it is worthy of collection and research.

Ceramic (Ceramics), the general term for pottery and porcelain, refers to the traditional concept of all inorganic non-metallic minerals such as clay as raw material of artificial industrial products. It consists of clay from or containing a mixture of clay by kneading, molding, and calcined made of a variety of products. By the most rough-earth to the most refined of the fine pottery and porcelain are it. For its main raw materials are derived from natural silicate minerals (such as clay, feldspar, quartz, etc.), and glass, cement, ceramic, refractory material, such as industry, with an "industrial silicate" (Silicate Industry) Area.

The history of ceramics is the history of Chinese civilization is an important part of China, as one of the four ancient civilizations, human development and social progress made outstanding contributions, including the invention of ceramics and the development of a more unique significance, The history of China-North Korea on behalf of all the different artistic styles and different technical characteristics. English of "china" China not only mean, ceramics and mean, clearly demonstrates China is the "hometown of pottery."

As early as the Europeans have porcelain manufacturing technology over 1000 years ago, Chinese people have created a very fine ceramics. China is the world's first application of one of the countries pottery, and porcelain from China for its high artistic quality and relevance of the world have attracted much praise.

The so-called pottery and porcelain refers to the use of plastic ware and porcelain clay quarry to do matrix, quartz and feldspar, and other raw materials-glaze, and through the forming, drying, firing from the products, mainly for daily use, art, and architecture Three pottery. Archaeological discoveries have proved that the Chinese people as early as the Neolithic Age (about 8000 BC) invented pottery. The emergence of primitive society with advanced agricultural production so that the ancestors of the Chinese people lead a life of a relatively fixed, the objective of pottery with the demand. In order to improve people's lives easier, improve the quality of life, gradually burn through the burning out of the clay pottery.

With the development of modern science and technology, and the past 100 years there have been many new varieties of ceramics. They no longer use or the use of small clay, feldspar, quartz and other traditional ceramic materials, but the use of other special materials, and even extended to non-silicate, non-oxide scope, and there have been a lot of new technology. The United States and some European countries have literature "Ceramic" understanding of the term for a variety of solid inorganic non-metallic materials known. Therefore, the meaning of ceramics in fact go far beyond the traditional concept in the past the narrow.

To date, the Definition of ceramics may be generally described as follows: The ceramic is aluminum silicate minerals such as oxides or as the main raw material, in accordance with the intention of people through specific physical and chemical processes at a high temperature to a certain degree of Temperature and atmosphere made of a certain type of rock technology. Glazing may be on the surface or glazing, porcelain has a number of different levels of transparency and a half, the species by one or more of the crystal and amorphous or cement and clinker with pores or inclusions, such as micro-structure.

Portland ceramic industry is one of the main branches of industry; belong to the scope of inorganic chemical industry. However, modern science and highly integrated with each other to infiltrate from the ceramic industry as a whole manufacturing process to analyze the contents of its complex and involve wide, is not only Using the theory of inorganic chemistry can be summarized.

A wide variety of ceramic products, their chemical composition, mineral composition, physical properties, as well as manufacturing methods, often close to each other staggered, no boundaries, and in the application there is a huge difference. Therefore, it is difficult to be summed up in a few hard and fast system, a detailed classification of the various different view, the international community to now there is no uniform classification.

English Chinese translation:











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Monday, January 3, 2011

Chinese Dream Culture

English Chinese translation:
The Hollywood blockbuster Inception wowed audiences around world, more and more people are interested in dream exploration.
Dreams are reflections of humans’ inner spaces and a connection between human subconscious and consciousness. And in human civilizations, dreams have always been regarded as a mystery. In primitive tribes, dreams were thought to be the indication of God or the haunting of the devil.

Ancient Stories about Dreams in China
Dream culture is an important part of ancient Chinese culture. There are many ancient stories about dreams in China, and the most famous one is Zhuangzhou Dreamt of Butterfly.
There are also some other stories on dreams such as Golden Millet Dream and Jiang Yan dreamt about the blooming of his writing brush.

The Book Duke of Zhou Interprets Dreams
Dream interpreting is popular in China, and the most famous reference for dream interpreting is the book Duke of Zhou Interprets Dreams.
Ancient Chinese people thought that dreams can imply auspicious and inauspicious things. The book Duke of Zhou Interprets Dreams was usually used as a reference for ancient people to interpret their dreams. Since different dreams have different meanings, people can get implications of auspiciousness or inauspiciousness by interpreting them, as ancient people had the idea that dreams were the implication from God.

Dream Interpreting Has Some Scientific Basis
Actually, dream interpreting is not totally a superstition. It does have some scientific merit.
1. Dream is the reflection of fact. Many dreams are actually the repetition of things that happened in an awakened state. This kind of dream can be easily understood without dream interpreting.
1. 梦会反映现实。很多梦实际上是在清醒状态下发生的事情的重演。无须解梦,人们就能轻易读懂这类梦。
2. Dream is the body’s self-implication. Traditional Chinese medical science stated that dreams are related to the health condition of human’s bodies. When Yin and Yang are unbalanced, dreams come into being. According to Chinese philosophy, Yin and Yang were two opposing principles in nature: the former negative, the latter positive. Yin is female and Yang is male.
2. 梦是机体自身的暗示。中医药学指出,梦与人体健康息息相关。当阴阳失衡时,便会做梦。依照中国哲学,阴阳是截然相反的两种自然属性:前者为负,后者为正。阴为女性,阳为男性。
If someone dreamt that he or she was roasted by a big fire and it is too hot to bear, it means the body’s inner heat is too strong. As a result, he or she may easily get angry or nervous.
3. Dreams are usually contrary to the facts, which coincide with the philosophy that things will develop in the opposite direction when they become extreme.
3. 梦通常与事实相反,这正好与物极必反的哲学思想相吻合。
Based on the experiences and practices, an anonymous author wrote a book for interpreting dreams and predicting the auspiciousness and inauspiciousness, which was named Duke of Zhou Interprets Dreams.
As ancient Chinese peoples’ wisdom and experiences crystallized, Duke of Zhou Interprets Dreams became less regarded as a superstition. To some degree, it is scientifically reasonable. Handed down over thousands of years, the profound book still has many mysteries waiting for us to explore.

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