Tuesday, January 18, 2011

English Chinese translation of eight famous Chinese liquors

China has a long history of liquor production, which is even longer than that of tea. There are many famous brands of Chinese liquor, which include Maotai Liquor, Fen Liquor, Five Grain Liquor, Luzhou Liquor, Jiannanchun Liquor, Xifeng Liquor, Gujinggong Liquor and Dong Liquor.

Maotai Liquor
Maotai Liquor is produced in Maotai town, Renhuai county in Guizhou Province. Together with Scotch Whisky and French Cognac Brandy, it is renowned as one of the Three Famous Wines in the world.
The brewage of Maotai Liquor has a long history. Its production can be traced back to the Han Dynasty (206BC–220AD). In the middle of Qing Dynasty (1644-1911), the production had reached a certain scale, with the annual yield of 170 tons, rare at that time. The products were called "Hua Mao", "Wang Mao" and "Lai Mao". "Hua Mao" is the predecessor of today's Maotai Liquor. In 1915 in the Panama World Exposition, the Maotai Liquor (Hua Mao) was rewarded the golden medal, and from then on, it became well known in the world.
Due to the fragrance, purity, sweetness and refreshment, Maotai Liquor is regarded as the national liquor in China.

Fen Liquor
The Fen Liquor is produced in Xinghua Village, Fenyang in Shanxi Province. Enjoying a history of more than 1,500 years, it is the father of Chinese famous liquors. It uses the Yibazhua sorghum produced in Jinzhong Plain in Fenyang and the mellow Gujingjia Spring as ingredients. Through the process of brewing technology, the Fen Liquor is clear, crystal, mildly aromatic and affords a lingering after-taste. Due to its best quality, it is always praised as the excellent liquor and fluid precious stone.

Five Grain Liquor
The Five Grain Liquor, produced in Yibin, Sichuan Province, gets the name from its five ingredients, including sorghum, rice, glutinous rice, corn and wheat. The water is taken from the center of Minjiang River. The wrapped starter (Baobaoqu), produced by pure wheat, is used as the raising agent. When the bottle opens, a strong fragrance scents the air.
五粮液 是中国最著名的白酒之一.是中国驰名商标,享有“名酒之乡”美称的四川省宜宾市,是宜宾五粮酒的故乡。1928年,“利川永”烤酒作坊老板邓子均,又采用红高粱、大米、糯米、麦子、玉米五种粮食为原料,酿造出了香味纯浓的“杂粮酒”,送给当地团练局文书杨惠泉品尝,他认为此酒色、香、味均佳,又是用五种粮食酿造而成,使人闻名领味。从此,这种杂粮酒便以五粮液享于世人,流芳至今。蜚声中外、誉满神州的四川宜宾五粮液酒厂所产的交杯牌、五粮液牌五粮液(由“荔枝绿”——宜宾元曲而来),在中国浓香型酒中独树一帜,为四川省的六朵金花(泸州特曲、郎酒、剑南春、全兴大曲、五粮液、沱牌曲酒)之一。它以“香气悠久,滋味醇厚,进口甘美,入喉净爽,各味谐调,恰到好处”的风格。宜宾五粮液,喷香浓郁,醇厚甘美,回味悠长,以优质糯米、大米、高粱、小麦、玉米五粮为原料酿制而得名。它是宜宾酒厂用“五粮配方,小麦制曲,人工培窖,双轮低温发酵,量质摘酒,按质拼坛,分级储存,精心勾兑”的独特技术和悠久的传统工艺精酿而成,不仅在国内驰名遐迩,而且远销国外。

Luzhou Liquor
Luzhou Liquor is produced in Luzhou, Sichuan Province. In the early Qing Dynasty (1644-1911), Wenyongsheng and Tianchensheng were the two liquor factories that produced Luzhou Liquor. The oldest cellar of Wenyongsheng has a history of more than 370 years.
Luzhou Liquor features strong aroma, sweet, raw and has a long, persistent finish. It has become the model of strong aromatic Chinese spirits.

Jiannanchun Liquor
Jiannanchun Liquor is produced in the Mianzhu county, Sichuan Province. It is one of the famous liquors in China that enjoys a long history. In Tang Dynasty (618-907), "chun (春)" was used to name the wine, hence the name. According to the legend, the great poet Li Bai in Tang Dynasty once used the golden crown in exchange for Jiannanchun, which reflected the excellent quality of the liquor.
Jiannanchun Liquor is made from sorghum, rice, glutinous rice, corn and wheat. It is finely brewed in traditional technique and can be divided into 62 degrees and 52 degrees. Every drop is fragrant, mellow, sweet and cool with a long finish.

Xifeng Liquor
Being one of the oldest liquors in China and in the world, Xifeng Liquor is produced in Liulin town, Fengxiang county, Shaanxi Province. In the late Shang Dynasty (C.1600–1046BC), in order to celebrate the victory of Muye Battle, the King of Zhouwu used Qin Liquor (today's Xifeng Liquor) to reward his soldiers.
Xifeng Liquor represents the Feng-style liquor. Feng-style liquor blends the five flavors: sour, sweet, bitter, spicy and fragrant. The liquor degrees are divided into 39 degrees, 55 degrees and 65 degrees.
西凤酒以当地特产高粱为原料,用大麦、豌豆制曲。工艺采用续渣发酵法,发酵窖分为明窖与暗窖两种。工艺流程分为立窖、破窖、顶窖、圆窖、插窖和挑窖等工序,自有一套操作方法。蒸馏得酒后,再经3年以上的贮存,然后进行精心勾兑方出厂。 西凤酒中的金西凤
西凤酒无色清亮透明,醇香芬芳,清而不淡,浓而不艳,集清香、浓香之优点融于一体,幽雅、诸味谐调,回味舒畅,风格独特。被誉为“酸、甜、苦、辣、香五味俱全而各不出头”。即酸而不涩,苦而不黏,香不刺鼻,辣不呛喉,饮后回甘、味久而弥芳之妙。属凤香型大曲酒,被人们赞为它是“凤型”白酒的典型代表。西凤酒为适应各地不同消费者的需要推出33度、38度、39度、42度、45度、46度、48度、50度、52度、55度、65度等多种度数。   适时饮用,有活血驱寒,提神祛劳之益。

Gujinggong Liquor
Gujinggong Liquor is produced in Bozhou, Anhui Province. "Gujing" means ancient well. There is an ancient well having a history of 1,400 years in the liquor factory. The local water tastes bitter but the spring from this well is quite sweet. The liquor made from the spring of the well has a wonderful flavor. During Wanli's rule in Ming Dynasty (1368-1644), it became a tribute.

Dong Liquor
Dong Liquor is produced in Dong Liquor Factory in Zunyi, Guizhou Province. It gets the name from the Donggong Temple near the factory. Dong Liquor is the most special Chinese liquor in brewing method. It is made from the best glutinous Indian millet and the underground springs from Shuikou Temple. It blends the styles of Daqu Liquor and Xiaoqu Liquor.

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